

class pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap

Synchronous class for retrieve data from

  • timeout (int, optional) – Set timeout value for requests. As default 20.
  • debug – (bool, optional): Show low level data in get requests. As default, False.
  • proxy_addr (bytes, optional) – Proxy to use with Pymarketcap. As default, b"".

Coinmarketcap API


List all criptocurrencies with their ids, names, symbol and website slug.

Returns (dict):
Coinmarketcap API raw response.

Get global cryptocurrencies statistics.

Parameters:convert (str, optional) – return 24h volume, and market cap in terms of another currency. See ticker_badges property to get valid values. As default "USD".
Returns (dict):
Global markets statistics on a raw response.

Get currencies with other aditional data. Only returns 100 currencies in each request. Use pymarketcap.Pymarketcap.ticker_all() method for retrieve all currencies navegation through API pagination.

  • currency (str, optional) – Specify a currency to return data, that can be a name, symbol, id or website_slug fields from pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap.cryptocurrencies property. If you dont specify a currency, returns data for all in coinmarketcap. As default, None.
  • convert (str, optional) – Allows to convert prices, 24h volumes and market capitalizations in terms of one of badges returned by ticker_badges property. As default, "USD".
Returns (dict):
Data from all currencies or a currency from coinmarketcap.

Return all cryptocurrencies listed at coinmarketcap. This is the cached version of public API listings method but without low level fields like "data" and "metadata".


Badges in which you can convert prices in ticker() method.

Web scraper


Get currency metadata like total markets capitalization, websites, source code link, if mineable…

  • curr (str) – Currency to get metadata. Can be a name, symbol, id or website_slug fields from pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap.cryptocurrencies.
  • convert (str, optional) – Currency to convert response fields total_markets_cap, total_markets_volume_24h and price between USD and BTC. As default "USD".
Returns (dict):
Aditional general metadata not supported by other methods.

Obtain data from a exchange passed as argument. See pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap.cryptoexchanges property for obtain all posibles values.

Returns (dict):
Data from a exchange. Fields: "currency", "pair", "name", "volume_24h" (total), "price", "percent_volume", "updated". "slug", "website_slug", "id", "volume", "markets".

Get all exchanges in coinmarketcap ranked by volumes along with other metadata.

Parameters:convert (str, optional) – Convert volumes and prices between USD and BTC. As default "USD".
Returns (list):
Exchanges with markets and other data included.

Returns all exchanges listed at coinmarketcap, as dictionaries with "name", "id" and "website_slug" keys.


Get historical data for a currency.

  • curr (str) – Currency to scrap historical data. Can be a name, "symbol", id or website_slug fields from pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap.cryptocurrencies.
  • start (date, optional) – Time to start scraping periods as datetime.datetime type. As default datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 18)().
  • end (date, optional) – Time to end scraping periods as datetime.datetime type. As default
  • revert (bool, optional) – If False, return first date first, in chronological order, otherwise returns reversed list of periods. As default False.
Returns (list):
Historical dayly OHLC for a currency.

Get available coinmarketcap markets data for a currency.

  • curr (str) – Currency to get market data. Can be a name, "symbol", id or website_slug fields from pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap.cryptocurrencies.
  • convert (str, optional) – Currency to convert response fields volume_24h and price between USD and BTC. As default "USD".
Returns (list):
Markets on wich provided currency is currently tradeable.

Returns gainers and losers for 1 hour, 24 hours and 7 days.

Returns (dict):
A dictionary with 2 keys (gainers and losers) whose values are the periods "1h", "24h" and "7d".

Get recently added currencies along with other metadata.

Parameters:convert (str, optional) – Convert market_caps, prices, volumes and percent_changes between USD and BTC. As default "USD".
Returns (list):
Recently added currencies data.

Get data from platforms tokens

Parameters:convert (str, optional) – Convert "market_cap", "price" and "volume_24h" values between USD and BTC. As default "USD".
Returns (list):
Platforms tokens data.

Graphs API


The graphs methods can be called also as cmc.graphs.currency(), cmc.graphs.global_cap() and cmc.graphs.dominance(), being cmc a instance of Pymarketcap or AyncPymarketcap classes.


Get graphs data of a currency.

  • curr (str) – Currency to retrieve graphs data.
  • start (datetime, optional) – Time to start retrieving graphs data in datetime type. As default None.
  • end (datetime, optional) – Time to end retrieving graphs data in datetime type. As default None.
  • use_auto_timeframe (bool, optional) – Use auto time frames same as fronted API. As default False
Returns (dict):
Dict info with next keys: "market_cap_by_available_supply", "price_btc", "price_usd", "volume_usd": and "price_platform". For each value, a list of lists where each one has two values [<datetime>, <value>]

Get global market capitalization graphs, including or excluding Bitcoin.

  • bitcoin (bool, optional) – Indicates if Bitcoin will be includedin global market capitalization graph. As default True.
  • start (int, optional) – Time to start retrieving graphs data in datetime. As default None.
  • end (optional, datetime) – Time to start retrieving graphs data in datetime. As default None.
  • use_auto_timeframe (bool, optional) – Use auto time frames same as fronted API. As default False
Returns (dict):
Whose values are lists of lists with timestamp and values, a data structure with the keys: "volume_usd" and "market_cap_by_available_supply".

Get currencies dominance percentage graph

  • start (int, optional) – Time to start retrieving graphs data in datetime. As default None.
  • end (optional, datetime) – Time to start retrieving graphs data in datetime. As default None.
  • use_auto_timeframe (bool, optional) – Use auto time frames same as fronted API. As default False
Returns (dict):
Altcoins and dominance percentage values with timestamps.



Convert prices between currencies. Provide a value, the currency of the value and the currency to convert it and get the value in currency converted rate. For see all available currencies to convert see currencies_to_convert property.

  • value (int/float) – Value to convert betweeen two currencies.
  • currency_in (str) – Currency in which is expressed the value passed.
  • currency_out (str) – Currency to convert.
Returns (float):
Value expressed in currency_out parameter provided.

Download a currency image logo providing their size.

  • curr (str) – Currency name, id, website_slug or symbol to download.
  • size (int, optional) – Size in pixels. Valid sizes are: [16, 32, 64, 128, 200]. As default 128.
  • filename (str, optional) – Filename for store the logo. Doesn’t include the extension (will be “.png”). As default None.
Returns (str):
Filename of downloaded file if all was correct.

Download a exchange logo passing his name or id or website slug as first parameter and optionally a filename without extension.

  • exc (str) – Exchange name, id or website slug to download.
  • size (int) – Size in pixels. Valid values are: [16, 32, 64, 128, 200].
  • filename (str, optional) – Filename for store the logo, without include file extension (will be “.png”). As default None.
Returns (str):
Filename of downloaded file if all was correct.


class pymarketcap.pymasyncore.AsyncPymarketcap(queue_size=10, progress_bar=True, consumers=10, timeout=15, logger=<Logger /pymarketcap/ (WARNING)>, debug=False, sync=<pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap object>, **kwargs)

Bases: aiohttp.client.ClientSession

Asynchronous scraper for

  • queue_size (int) – Number of maximum simultanenous get requests performing together in methods involving several requests. As default 10.
  • progress_bar (bool) – Select True or False if you want to show a progress bar in methods that involve processing of several requests (requires tqdm module). As default, True.
  • consumers (int) – Number of consumers resolving HTTP requests from an internal asyncio.Queue. As default, 10.
  • timeout (int/float, optional) – Limit max time waiting for a response. As default, 15.
  • logger (logging.logger) – As default is a logger with a StreamHandler.
  • debug (bool, optional) – If True, the logger level will be setted as DEBUG. As default False.
  • sync (object, optional) – Synchronous version instance of pymarketcap. As default pymarketcap.core.Pymarketcap
  • **kwargs – arguments that corresponds to the aiohttp.client.ClientSession parent class.


All scraper methods described in Pymarketcap object and almost all the properties also exists in AsyncPymarketcap.

every_currency(currencies=None, convert='USD', consumers=None)

Return general data from every currency in coinmarketcap passing a list of currencies as first parameter. As default returns data for all currencies.

  • currencies (list, optional) – Iterator with all the currencies that you want to retrieve. As default None (pymarketcap.Pymarketcap.coins() will be used in that case).
  • convert (str, optional) – Convert prices in response between “USD” and BTC. As default "USD".
  • consumers (int, optional) – Number of consumers processing the requests simultaneously. As default None (see pymarketcap.AsyncPymarketcap.consumers).

Returns (list): Data for all currencies.

every_markets(currencies=None, convert='USD', consumers=None)

Returns markets data from every currency in coinmarketcap passing a list of currencies as first parameter. As default returns data for all currencies.

  • currencies (list, optional) – Iterator with all the currencies that you want to retrieve. As default None (pymarketcap.Pymarketcap.coins() will be used in that case).
  • convert (str, optional) – Convert prices in response between “USD” and BTC. As default "USD".
  • consumers (int, optional) – Number of consumers processing the requests simultaneously. As default None (see pymarketcap.AsyncPymarketcap.consumers).
Returns (async iterator):
Data for all currencies.
every_historical(currencies=None, start=datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 18, 0, 0), end=datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 29, 21, 13, 30, 336755), revert=False, consumers=None)

Returns historical data from every currency in coinmarketcap passing a list of currencies as first parameter. As default returns data for all currencies.

  • currencies (list, optional) – Iterator with all the currencies that you want to retrieve. As default None (pymarketcap.Pymarketcap.coins() will be used in that case).
  • start (date, optional) – Time to start scraping periods as datetime.datetime type. As default datetime(2008, 8, 18).
  • end (date, optional) – Time to end scraping periods as datetime.datetime type. As default
  • revert (bool, optional) – If False, return first date first, in chronological order, otherwise returns reversed list of periods. As default False.
  • consumers (int, optional) – Number of consumers processing the requests simultaneously. As default None (see pymarketcap.AsyncPymarketcap.consumers).
Returns (async iterator):
Historical data for all currencies.
every_exchange(exchanges=None, convert='USD', consumers=None)

Returns general data from every exchange in coinmarketcap passing a list of exchanges as first parameter. As default returns data for all exchanges.

  • exchanges (list, optional) – Iterator with all the exchanges that you want to retrieve. As default None (pymarketcap.Pymarketcap.exchange_slugs() will be used in that case).
  • convert (str, optional) – Convert market_caps, prices, volumes and percent_changes between USD and BTC. As default "USD".
  • consumers (int, optional) – Number of consumers processing the requests simultaneously. As default None (see pymarketcap.AsyncPymarketcap.consumers).
Returns (async iterator):
General data from all exchanges.


The next method can be called also as graphs.every_currency().

_every_currency(currencies=None, start=None, end=None, use_auto_timeframe=False, consumers=None)

Returns graphs data from every currency in coinmarketcap passing a list of currencies as first parameter. As default returns graphs data for all currencies.

  • currencies (list, optional) – Iterator with all the currencies that you want to retrieve. As default None (pymarketcap.Pymarketcap.coins() will be used in that case).
  • start (datetime, optional) – Time to start retrieving graphs data in datetime. As default None.
  • end (datetime, optional) – Time to end retrieving graphs data in datetime. As default None.
  • use_auto_timeframe (bool, optional) – Use auto time frames same as fronted API. As default False
  • consumers (int, optional) – Number of consumers processing the requests simultaneously. As default None (see pymarketcap.AsyncPymarketcap.consumers).

Returns (async iterator): Graphs data from all currencies.


Pymarketcap errors module.

exception pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapError

Bases: Exception

Coinmarketcap base classs errors.

exception pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapHTTPError

Bases: pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapError

Exception for catch HTTPErrors.

exception pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapHTTPError404

Bases: pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapError

Exception for catch 404 HTTP error codes.

exception pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapHTTPError408

Bases: pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapError

Exception for catch request timeout HTTP errors.

exception pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapTooManyRequestsError

Bases: pymarketcap.errors.CoinmarketcapHTTPError

Exception for catch 429 HTTP error codes.